

I’m not good with music anymore. I used to love it, make it and live by it but after a five year ordeal of harassment and bullying I find it hard to go there. Listening to music now just hurts.

This morning as I trawled the internet I cam across this video. Three random guys start to jam when a street performer sings a song the two others recognize. As per usual I find the tears hard to stop but at the same time I recognize the way it touches my soul in a healing way so maybe 9 years after we were able to extricate ourselves from the psycho terror inflicted on my husband and I maybe I’m on the road to recovery. Give me music like this any day over the commercial shit of the Beyonces, Biebers, Perries and whatever goes for music these days.

For me this is what music is about. Small, communal, a chance to reach over differences to what truly matters. Our souls, our spirits, our hearts, our love rocking to rhythms, melodies connecting us from chance meetings to campfires to living rooms and small halls.
